Attendance Policy


The California Education Code (Article 6, Chapter 2, Part 27) requires that parents send their children to school. The law further states that a student must attend every scheduled class every day, even if failure is imminent.

Attendance is the student’s and parent’s responsibility. If a student is to be absent from school, his or her parent or guardian must submit a report using the following link:, email the office at [email protected], or call the attendance office (619) 860-5300, each day of the absence. Any absence which has not been cleared within five (5) days will be recorded as truancy. If a student arrives after the school day begins, he or she must report to the main office for a tardy slip before being admitted to class.

·         Students with any unverified absences or truancies may not be able to participate in any extracurricular activities

·         5th grade students with any unverified absences or truancies may not be able to participate in 5th grade activities including the promotion ceremony.

 Excused absence

Excused absences are those which are due to verified illness, for professional health care services, or those which constitute personal emergencies such as court appearances, religious ceremonies, funeral services, etc.

Unexcused absence

Unexcused absences include, but are limited to: vacations, car problems, missed buses, oversleeping, alarm problems, and babysitting (childcare) concerns.



Truancy is defined as an “absence from class without parental or school permission” and is taken seriously at Perry.


Short Term Contract for Independent Study

A Short Term Contract for Independent Study is for the pupil enrolled in a comprehensive elementary or secondary school who enrolls in an independent study to accommodate travel plans or other situations requiring the student to be away from school.


Short Term Contracts for Independent Study may be for a period of no greater than fourteen (14) school days.

Independent study is available to pupils in grades K-12 except that no pupil with exceptional needs may participate unless the Individualized Educational Program (IEP) specifically provides for participation.


Assignments completed and submitted by the due date will earn full academic and attendance credit. To receive full credit, all work in all subjects must be completed and evaluated by the student’s teacher and the Principal. The manner, time, frequency, and place for submitting work is specified on assignment contract, and is generally no later than five (5) days after the final day of the contract period.


All parties agree that failure to complete a Short Term Contract for Independent Study may result in the lowering of a grade and will require evaluation of whether or not the pupil may participate in a future Short Term Contract for Independent Study.

Please request a Short Term Contract for Independent Study at least 7 days in advance of the student’s anticipated absence so the student’s teacher(s) have time to adequately prepare the work and assignments for the student; the Short Term Contract for Independent Study must be signed by the student, his or her parent, the child’s teacher, and the Principal (Or his designee) before the pupil leaves.


Releasing students prior to the end of the school day

If a student is to be excused for a medical or personal appointment prior to the end of the school day, his or her parent or guardian must come to the main office at Perry and sign an early release form.


To ensure the safety of our students, all persons who request to pick up a student will be required to show a picture ID. Children will only be released to adults (persons over the age of 18) who are listed on the student’s enrollment form as someone to whom we are authorized to release the child. Authorizing the release of students to additional adults must be completed in person by the enrolling parent or guardian in the main office at Perry.

Please note that we do not release students 15 mins before dismissalsick fox.

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